Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 136
21st Century competencies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Rhetoric and reality in the wake of a pandemic
(SAGE Publications, 2021)There is general agreement about the need for vocational education and training to embrace so-called modern technologies in gearing up to deliver to young people a broad range of what have become known as 21st ... -
21st Century competencies in technical and vocational education and training: rhetoric and reality in the wake of a pandemic
(University of KZN, 2021)There is general agreement about the need for vocational education and training to embrace so-called modern technologies in gearing up to deliver to young people a broad range of what have become known as 21st ... -
ABET and development in the Northern Cape province: Assessing impacts of CACE courses, 1996-1999
(Centre for Continuing and Adult Education (CACE), University of the Western Cape, 2001)This study presents the results of an investigation into the impact of CACE courses for adult educators, trainers and development practitioners. The report describes how the courses affected the training practices and ... -
Activity theory as a lens to examine pre-service teachers' perceptions of learning and teaching of mathematics within an intervention programme
(Routledge, 2012)This study was prompted by concerns around mathematics teaching and learning in the South African education system. Contributory factors to this situation are the lack of competent mathematics teachers in the classroom ... -
The affective effect: exploring undergraduate students’ emotions in giving and receiving peer feedback
(Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2023)While the peer feedback process has an important role to play in student learning and has many benefits, it is not without its challenges. One of these is the effect that emotions may have on the way that students engage ... -
The African intellectuals’ project
(UNISA Press, 2020)Soon after taking the position of editor of IJARS at the beginning of 2019, I was contacted by the dean of Unisa’s College of Graduate Studies (CGS), Prof. Lindiwe Zungu, who informed me that the university’s principal ... -
The Anthropocene crisis and higher education: A fundamental shift
(South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE), 2016)This article seeks to address a fundamental shift that has occurred in reality; a displacement that requires us to critically account for the ways in which knowledge is both being produced and taught at universities. The ... -
Are school-based mentors adequately equipped to fulfil their roles? A case study in learning to teach accountancy
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2019)This article reports on a study that explored how school-based teachers fulfilled their roles as mentors in response to challenges faced by pre-service teachers while learning to teach accounting. Pre-service teachers in ... -
At-risk student teachers’ attitudes and aspirations as learners and teachers of mathematics
(AOSIS, 2015)This study explored foundation phase first year student teachers’ perceptions about mathematics. The focus on their attitudes towards mathematics in two roles – (1) as learners of mathematics, based on their prior ... -
Authentic learning for teaching reading: Foundation phase pre-service student teachers’ learning experiences of creating and using digital stories in real classrooms
(AOSIS, 2016)Teaching and learning, an evolving endeavour, is associated with many factors, with advancements in technology, playing an ever-growing role in the classroom. It is therefore important to include the use of interactive ... -
The baseline assessment of Grade 1 learners’ literacy skills in a socio-economically disadvantaged school setting
(AOSIS Publishing, 2016)Research has revealed that the academic performances of learners in South Africa are below the required level. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) launched the literacy and numeracy strategy 2006–2016 in response ... -
Being and becoming a university teacher
(Taylor & Francis group, 2017)This study examined how one academic framed the enablements and constraints to her project of being and becoming an academic. Complexity facilitated reflection in that it provided a visual representation of data, which was ... -
Bell hooks’ feminist, and ancient Egypt’s philosophy of education for an enabling afrocentric education
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)In 2021, bell hooks, an African-American anti-colonial education and feminist educator, passed on. hooks’ passing coincided with the 40th publication anniversary of her book, Ain’t I a woman: Black Women and Feminism. Her ... -
The body as blind spot: Towards lived experience and a body-specific philosophy in education
(UNISA Press, 2018)What do the philosophies of phenomenological scholars such as Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty tell us about education in South Africa? How can we use the philosophies of these scholars to develop the minds of our ... -
Brexit: some implications for African higher Education
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)This article considers how the decisions of the UK government, following the Brexit referendum, may impact on higher education in Africa. Ghana and South Africa are the two countries chosen to exemplify the claim that ... -
A capability analysis on the implementation of the school progression policy and its impact on learner performance
(Wayne Hugo, 2016)This paper focuses on the extent and consequences of learner progression in the form of ‘automatic promotion’ or grade promotion for reasons other than academic achievement, as propagated by the existing School Progression ... -
Case study of isiXhosa-speaking foundation phase learners who experience barriers to learning in an English-medium disadvantaged Western Cape school
(Education Association of South Africa (EASA), 2020)In the study reported on here, we focused on the use of English as language of learning and teaching (LoLT) for isiXhosaspeaking Foundation Phase learners in a historically disadvantaged school in the Western Cape, South ... -
Changing conceptions of literacies, language and development: Implications for the provision of adult basic education in South Africa
(Centre for Bilingual Research, Stockholm University, 2009)This study aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the circumstances under which adult education, in particular adult basic education, can support and occasionally initiate participatory development, social ... -
Choreographic cartographies with-in learning: towards response-ability in higher education pedagogy
(Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South, 2023)In this article, I seek to engage the liberatory impetus of critical pedagogies through an attentiveness to body-space-time so as to enrich the former with the notion of response-ability. Several learning activities are ... -
A cluster analysis of peer support training needs for foster parents
(Springer, 2021)Peer volunteers provide valuable support to foster parents. However, there has been limited research on what they consider to be valuable preparation for the role. In the present study, they were asked: “What is essential ...