Browsing Research Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 80
Adaptation to the worker role: The vocational experience of South African male ex offenders
(OMICS International, 2014)Objectives: The study is aimed at exploring, describing and understanding the experiences and perceptions of male ex-offenders with regard to adapting to their worker roles after they have been released from prison. Methods: ... -
Adolescent substance use: a prospective longitudinal model of substance use onset among South African adolescents
(Informa Healthcare, 2009)Substance use onset among Colored adolescents between eighth and ninth grades in an urban area of Cape Town, South Africa was examined using latent transition analysis. Longitudinal self-report data regarding substance use ... -
Boys are victims, too: the influence of perpetrators’ age and gender in sexual coercion against boys
(SAGE Publications, 2018)Sexual coercion among adolescent boys in South Africa is an underresearched topic despite the frequency of such events. Although quantitative research has illuminated the prevalence of sexual coercion toward boys, it has ... -
Can't you see i'm getting bored? The social context as a moderator of adolescent leisure boredom and alcohol use
(SAGE Publications, 2023)The current study sought to better understand how leisure boredom is associated with alcohol use and how peer factors moderated the relationship between state and trait leisure boredom and past month alcohol use. The 2004 ... -
Client confidentiality: Perspectives of students in a healthcare training programme
(Health & Medical Publishing Group, 2016)BACKGROUND. Confidentiality is an important ethical principle for all health professionals and also has a legal bearing on duty. One of the most difficult issues health professionals face in their daily fieldwork practice ... -
Clients' perceptions of an occupational therapy intervention at a substance use rehabilitation centre in the Western Cape
(Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA), 2015)Substance use among adolescents is a significant health and social problem and affects occupational performance. While occupational therapy interventions are available at substance use rehabilitation centres in the Western ... -
A Commentary of occupational justice and occupation-based community development frameworks for social transformation: The Marikana event
(South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2021)Background: The Occupational justice framework is significant in enabling communities to collaborate with occupational therapists to strengthen social vision and enhance occupational potential. It has been highlighted that ... -
Covid-19 and higher education: a qualitative study on academic experiences of African international students in the Midwest
(Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2023)COVID-19 pandemic has harshly impacted university students since the outbreak was declared in March 2020. A population impacted the most was international college students due to limited social networks, restrictive ... -
A cross-sectional descriptive study of occupational therapy students’ perceptions and attitudes towards spirituality and spiritual care in occupational therapy education
(Springer, 2016)Spirituality and spiritual care both have received increased attention over the course of this past decade from different disciplines. However, for many years, in the occupational therapy profession, the importance of ... -
Curriculum transformation: a proposed route to reflect a political consciousness in occupational therapy education
(Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa, 2012)Introduction: Curriculum review is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term process that forms part of occupational therapy education. The Department of Occupational Therapy, University of the Western Cape (UWC) recently responded ... -
A descriptive, qualitative study of the challenges that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience when transitioning from skills training programs into the open labor market in Cape Town, South Africa
(IOS Press, 2020)BACKGROUND: There is limited existence of qualitative research on adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who are transitioning between skills training programs and finding employment in the open labor market, in South ... -
The development of a return to work intervention programme for stroke survivor (SReTWIP): A Delphi survey
(Springer Nature, 2020)Even though clearly defined pathways for vocational re-entry are well recognized for conditions such as mental health, musculoskeletal dysfunction (MSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), none has been identified for stroke. ... -
Doing a leisure activity because there is nothing else to do: Related outcomes and intervention effects for adolescents
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)This study examined whether a leisure-focused intervention, HealthWise, was related to reduced youth polysubstance use and delayed sexual debut via reducing how often youth did leisure activities because there was nothing ... -
Ease and equity of access to free DR-TB services in Nigeria- a qualitative analysis of policies, structures and processes
(BioMed Central Ltd, 2020)Introduction: Persistent low rates of case notification and treatment coverage reflect that accessing diagnosis and treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in Nigeria remains a challenge, even though it is ... -
Educators’ and students’ needs regarding teaching and learning strategies for integrating spirituality and spiritual care in occupational therapy education
(Sabinet, 2018)Spirituality and spiritual care are both generating considerable interest as part of holistic and client-centred approaches of the profession of Occupational Therapy. Concerns have been raised regarding the teaching and ... -
The effectiveness of the model of occupational self-efficacy in improving the quality of life and self-efficacy beliefs in individuals living with schizophrenia: a pre- and post-intervention pilot study
(IOS Press BV, 2023)BACKGROUND: Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia often experience major limitations in returning to work despite participating in rehabilitation programs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine whether ... -
The experiences of individuals with schizophrenia using The model of Occupational Self-Efficacy in enhancing work skills and returning to work in the open labour market in Western Cape, South Africa
(South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2021)Introduction: Evidence suggests that supported employment strategies improve the rates of employment for individuals with schizophrenia. The Model of Occupational Self-Efficacy (MOOSE) is such a strategy aimed at enhancing ... -
The experiences of women with traumatic brain injury about the barriers and facilitators experienced after vocational rehabilitation in the Western Cape Metropole, South Africa
(IOS Press, 2019)Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a serious global public health problem. Globally and annually, at least 10 million individuals live with TBI that is serious enough to result in death or hospitalization. This study aimed ... -
An exploratory factor analysis into the applicability of the Spirituality Care-Giving Scale, the Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale and the Spirituality in Occupational Therapy Scale to the South African context
(Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa, 2016)Spirituality and spiritual care are both considered as important elements of health sciences education; however, limited research has been conducted with occupational therapy students using spirituality scales. Therefore, ... -
Exploring experiences of using case study as a teaching strategy to learn about spirituality in occupational therapy education
(African Journal of Health Professions Education, 2021-06)Background. A case study is a teaching strategy that is used in other professions, such as nursing and medicine; however, there are no studies that focus on the experiences of occupational therapy (OT) students regarding ...