Browsing Research Publications by Title
Now showing items 99-118 of 164
Participatory health research in South Africa
(Springer Nature, 2018)While 1994 marked the official end of institutionalized apartheid rule in South Africa, the effects of decades of racism and economic disparity continue to reverberate to this day. Historically, medical and behavioural ... -
Pathways to health: conceptual clarification and appropriate statistical treatment of mediator, moderator, and indirect effects using examples from burnout research
(South African journal of psychology, 2020)In my role as consulting statistical editor for the South African Journal of Psychology, I have witnessed a steady increase in articles that focused on the presumed role of mediator and moderator variables. While straightforward ... -
The perceived stress scale is essentially unidimensional: Complementary evidence from ancillary bifactor indices and Mokken analysis
(Elsevier [Commercial Publisher], 2023)Stress is a significant contributor to physical and mental health. However, there is considerable variability in response to stress, underscoring the role of stress perception in health outcomes. Perceptions of stress are ... -
Perceived vulnerability to disease and the relationship with teacher satisfaction in South Africa during Covid-19: The serial role of burnout, role conflict, and ambiguity
(MDPI, 2022)Teachers’ work roles and responsibilities have changed dramatically because of the COVID-19 pandemic. These unprecedented changes have the potential to generate role stress and burnout and reduce teachers’ job satisfaction. ... -
Personality and well-being in black and white South African emerging adults
(Termedia Publishing, 2017)In the last ten years, the South African Personality Inventory (SAPI) has been developed as an indigenous measurement of personality for the multi-cultural environment of South Africa. The aim of the SAPI is to assess ... -
A phenomenological case study of the therapeutic impact of imagery: Rescripting of memories of a rape and episodes of childhood abuse and neglect
(National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC), 2014)This is a systematic case study of the assessment and treatment of Anna (43), a woman presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a drug-facilitated sexual assault that occurred over twenty years ... -
Poverty, protests and pandemics: what can we learn from community resilience?
(SAGE, 2021)The destruction of property, theft and violence that occurred in South Africa, particularly in KZN and Gauteng in the week of 12 July 2021 had a significant impact on the national psyche. As we try to come to terms with ... -
Predicting suicide risk among south african university students: Optimal cutoff score for the center for epidemiological studies depression scale
(LIDSEN Publishing Inc, 2023)University students have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group for adverse mental health outcomes owing to the distinctive implications of the COVID-19 prevention measures on the educational sector. Even prior ... -
Predictors of knowledge about tuberculosis: results from SANHANES I, a national, cross-sectional household survey in South Africa
(BioMed Central, 2016)BACKGROUND: South Africa is one of the 22 high tuberculosis burden countries that contribute 80 % of the global tuberculosis cases. Tuberculosis is infectious and due to its rapid and easy transmission route poses a threat ... -
Prenatal alcohol exposure and characteristics of temperament in infancy and early childhood
(Taylor & Francis group, 2007)Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with cognitive and neurobehavioural dysfunction, but characteristics of temperament have not been widely documented in exposed children. The objectives of the study were firstly ... -
Prevalence and correlates of anal sex among secondary school students in Cape Town, South Africa
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)Research efforts have overlooked anal sex as a risk factor for adolescents’ acquisition of HIV despite the high rates of HIV among South African youth. Here, we report findings from a survey conducted in 2012 among ... -
Prevalence of bullying victimisation among primary school children in South Africa: a population-based study
(BMC Research Notes, 2021)Objectives: Bullying victimisation (BV) among children in South Africa has been identified as a major public health concern. While several studies report on the prevalence rates of BV, there is currently a dearth of research ... -
Prevalence of concussion and adherence to return-to-play guidelines amongst male secondary school rugby and hockey players
(AOSIS, 2021)Concussion injuries are common in contact sports. Young players can suffer lifethreatening complications if concussion is not recognised and managed.To determine the prevalence of concussion amongst secondary school rugby ... -
Promoting well-being in the face of a pandemic: The role of sense of coherence and ego-resilience in the relationship between psychological distress and life satisfaction
(SAGE Publications, 2022)COVID-19 has impacted negatively on the lives and academic activities of university students. This has contributed to increasing levels of psychological distress among this population group. Intrinsic and contextual ... -
Promoting well-being in the face of a pandemic: The role of sense of coherence and ego-resilience in the relationship between psychological distress and life satisfaction
(SAGE Publications, 2023)COVID-19 has impacted negatively on the lives and academic activities of university students. This has contributed to increasing levels of psychological distress among this population group. Intrinsic and contextual ... -
Promoting well-being in the face of a pandemic: the role of sense of coherence and ego-resilience in the relationship between psychological distress and life satisfaction
(SAGE Publications Inc, 2023)COVID-19 has impacted negatively on the lives and academic activities of university students. This has contributed to increasing levels of psychological distress among this population group. Intrinsic and contextual factors ... -
The PSI-20: Development of a viable short form alternative of the problem solving inventory using item response theory
(SAGE Publications [Commercial Publisher], 2023)In previous studies, problem solving appraisal has been identified as playing a key role in promoting positive psychological well-being. The Problem Solving Inventory is the most widely used measure of problem solving ... -
Psychologie du sport : une psychologue aux Jeux Olympiques (1re partie)
(Elsevier, 2021)Top athletes are often introduce when they are performing at major championships. But what about their daily life and all the things they put together for those success ? Maroussia Paré, high level athlete in track and ... -
Psychotraumatology of the war in Ukraine: The question of the psychological care of victims who are refugees or who remain in Ukraine
(Elsevier Masson, 2023)The war in Ukraine is a major poly-traumatic event, which leads to massive population displacements. The question of the evaluation and psychological care of psychotraumatized people is an urgent matter. As many countries ... -
The relation between children’s participation in daily activities, their engagement with family and friends, and subjective well-being
(Springer, 2020)The study aimed to ascertain the relation between children’s participation in daily activities, engaging with family and friends and their subjective well-being (SWB); and to ascertain the extent to which the nature of the ...