Browsing Conference Papers and Reports by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
Access to land and rural poverty in South Africa
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2012-09)The big picture: some history • Large-scale land dispossession from 1652 into the late 20th century • 1913 and 1936 Land Acts: African majority confined to 13% of country • Forced removals in apartheid years: 2.5 million ... -
Agricultural investment, gender and land in Africa: Towards inclusive equitable and socially responsible investment
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2014)The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa; the Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC); ... -
Alleviating urban energy poverty in the informal sector: The role for local government
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2010)The depth and severity of poverty and inequality persists in South Africa, despite progressive pro-poor policies. Strong evidence also points to the unbridled growth in informality and remaining as a long-term feature of ... -
The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA and the occupation of the Guinea Savannah
(2015)The US, EU and African agricultural modernisation G8 New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition (NAFSN), USAID and US foreign policy AGRA – Gate Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation – philanthro-capitalism Corporate ... -
An Analysis of Renunciation in Terms of s 2(C)(1) of the Wills Act 7 of 1953 in Light of the Moosa NO and Others v Harnaker and Others Judgment
(Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL), 2019-05-29)Muslims have been living in South Africa for over 300 years. These persons are required in terms of their religion to fol-low Islamic law. There has (to date) been no legislation enacted by the South African parliament ... -
Apartheid space and fractured power: Vicious cycles of poverty in Cornfields, KwaZulu-Natal
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2010)Apartheid space and fractured power: vicious cycles of poverty in Cornfields, KwaZulu-Natal A neglected area in the literature on structural poverty is changing land tenure relations and the disconnect with planning ... -
Beyond populism or paralysis: a real debate on South Africa’s land reform trajectory
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2011)On 24 October 2011 the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) convened a public dialogue on South Africa’s land reform trajectory at Townhouse Hotel and Conference Centre in Cape Town. Present were a wide ... -
Beyond the 'problem' narrative: Towards an agenda for improved policy and practice in land reform
(2013)The ‘problem’ narrative •Land reform is too slow: it must be speeded up and better ways found of acquiring land at reasonable cost •Land reform beneficiaries are not productive enough: they must be ‘disciplined’ or land ... -
Biofuels investments in Tanzania: Policy options for sustainable business models
(2013-03-14) Biofuels: globally advocated as an environmentally friendly alternative source for energy US and Brazil: global producers of biodiesel and ethanol Southern African Nations: the “Middle East” of biofuels -Chief ... -
Class formation across borders: migrant workers in international borderlands
(2014)• Agricultural boom in tobacco: introduced commercially in 1994 (+699% 2000-2009) • Labour intensive, use of HH labour and migrant wage labour (Seasonal L and sharecroppers, atypical) • 130.000 small scale producers. 1:3 ... -
Commercial farming and agribusiness in South Africa and their changing roles in Africa’s agro-food system
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2015)Our paper is on commercial farming and agribusiness in South Africa and their changing roles in Africa’s agro-food system, as a response to debates and theoretical propositions about internal agrarian change in BRICS ... -
Commercialisation of land and ‘land grabbing’ in Southern Africa: Implications for land rights and rural livelihoods
(2015)This project is conceived as a response to widespread concerns about the ‘land grab’ phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa, and the dearth of grounded studies to understand how these deals are structured, who facilitates them, ... -
A constricted agricultural system: Cartels, collusion and corporate farming
(2014-07)A constricted agricultural system: cartels, collusion and corporate farming Nothing happens in a vacuum, let alone an agricultural system. South Africa’s has been shaped by very particular historical forces: colonisation, ... -
Critical agrarian studies in the 21st century
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)Prof Ye Jingzhong welcomed participants. Prof Lin Wanglong, vice president of China Agricultural University, gave a welcoming speech on behalf of CAU. Prof Ruth Hall welcomed everyone and thanked COHD and CAU, on behalf ... -
Current policy processes and legislative reforms
(2011)•Land reform policy and legislation suffered under negotiated terms in the run-up to SA’s democracy •Land & agricultural policies were initiated and continued to move in disparate directions •Particular weaknesses resulted ... -
Development of evidence-based policy around small-scale farming
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2015)How to support small-scale and larger commercial farmers, and to make sure that they are productive and contribute effectively to the rural economy and to national food security. -
Developmental social policies for the poor in South Africa: Exploring options to enhance impacts?
(Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), 2010)Options to enhance the developmental impact of South Africa’s comprehensive suite of social protection policies have attracted considerable research and policy interest. The country’s society safety nets appear to be ... -
Directions for land reform – what might another Green Paper propose? Alternative options and their ideological underpinnings
(2012)International and SA debates: 4 broad approaches & loose coalitions • “Modernist-conservative”/modernisation: support the existing structure of agriculture (capital intensive farming in large units) but deracialise LSCF ... -
Dynamics of social differentiation after land reform among former labour tenants in Besters, KwaZulu-Natal
(2012)• Locate land reform in SA in changes in 1970s which ended “state activism in capitalism” and started the “moment of ‘globalization” • Global restructuring of capital has been accompanied by the “fragmentation” of classes ...