Now showing items 190-209 of 355

    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 143 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      This 30 year old female presented with slight pain and discomfort and intermittent attacks of severe, itching pain in the third quadrant. The affected jaw is enlarged (Figures. 1&2). What is your diagnosis?
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 144 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      A sixteen year old male patient presents at your office with the main complaint of a painless, slowly enlarging bony swelling in his lower left jaw Fig 1. The radiographs presented are from other patients with the same ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 145 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      Below are clinical and radiographic images of patients who presented in the Department with the main complaint that they were not happy with the aesthetic appearance of some of their teeth which developed as they grew ...
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 146 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      Below are a clinical picture and radiographs of patients who have been treated with radiation therapy for squamous carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.
    • Maxillo-facial radiology case 151 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2017)
      Below is a clinical picture and a radiograph (Fig.1&2) of a thirty five year old female presenting with a slow growing painless lesion of the right parotid gland. The other images are of other patients with the same tumour. ...
    • Maxillofacial radiology 157 

      Nortje, Christoffelv (The South African Dental Association (SADA), 2018)
      The cropped pantomograph (Fig.2) showed numerous multilocular radiolucencies, bony expansion and excess tooth eruption. The coronal CT scan (Fig.3) confirmed the bony expansion of the lesion as well as the involvement ...
    • Maxillofacial radiology case 122 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2014)
      Below are images of two patients with hemifacial asymmetry causing obvious disfigurement of the face and jaws. What is your diagnosis?
    • Maxillofacial radiology case 133 

      Nortje, Christoffel (South African Dental Association, 2015)
      Clinical and radiographic images of a condition that may occur in about 1 in 1,000 live births. It is reportedly most common in the Japanese and least common in Negroes. What is your diagnosis?
    • Medical education units: A necessity for quality assurance in health professions education in Nigeria 

      Adeola, Henry Ademola; Adefuye, AO; Bezuidenhout, J (Health & Medical Publishing Group, 2018)
      In recent years, curricula and pedagogical methods in medical education have undergone rapid and unprecedented changes globally. The emphasis has shifted from traditional, teacher-centred learning, characterised by the ...
    • Methamphetamine abuse: Oral symptoms and dental treatment needs 

      Smit, Dirk A.; Naidoo, Sudeshni (South African Dental Association, 2016)
      BACKGROUND: Methamphetamine: a highly addictive drug commonly used in South Africa. Users often present with poor oral hygiene, grossly decayed teeth and complain of a dry mouth. The prevalence of dental caries among users ...
    • Minor's request for confidentiality 

      Naidoo, Sudeshni; Du Toit, J. (South African Dental Association, 2014)
      Following uncomplicated root canal treatment on a lower molar tooth, the 14 year old patient presented a few weeks later, together with her mother, complaining about an ulcer on her palate. Her mother assumed the lesion ...
    • Module evaluation for emergency remote teaching: An oral hygiene case study during the Covid-19 pandemic 

      Cupido, M; Gordon, N; Behardien, N (South African Medical Association, 2022)
      The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the disruption of academic programmes globally, thereby compelling contact universities to adopt a reactionary mode of programme delivery.[1,2] South African (SA) universities were ...
    • A morphometric assessment of developing permanent dentition for age and sex estimation in a select South African sample 

      Ishwarkumar, S; Pillay, Pamela; Chetty, Manogari (Elsevier, 2022)
      Dentition plays a crucial role in the fields of forensic science, forensic odontology and anthropology for age and sex estimation. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of sexual dimorphism and age prediction ...
    • Mucoepidermoid carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma: A rare diagnostically challenging entity 

      Titinchi, Fadi; Sallies, Moegamat; Wu, Hue-Tsi (Elsevier, 2022)
      Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) arising in pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is an extremely rare entity. Involvement of minor salivary glands by this entity has only being described twice previously. We report on a diagnostically ...
    • A multi-centre evaluation of oral cancer in Southern and Western Nigeria: an African oral pathology research consortium initiative 

      Omitola, Olufemi Gbenga; Soyele, Olujide Oladele; Sigbeku, Opeyemi; Okoh, Dickson; Akinshipo, Abdulwarith Olaitan; Butali, Azeez; Adeola, Henry Ademola (African Field Epidemiology Network, 2017)
      INTRODUCTION: Oral cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths among African populations. Lack of standard cancer registries and under-reporting has inaccurately depicted its magnitude in Nigeria. Development of multi-centre ...
    • Nanobiotechnology in regenerative dental medicine 

      Adeola, Henry A (Nanomaterials in Dental Medicine, 2023)
      Nanotechnology harnesses the phenomenal atomic and molecular behaviour of materials at a nanoscale size (1–100 nm) to provide solutions to a vast array of scientific applications. Although nanomaterials are commonly ...
    • Neutral sodium fluoride gel uptake of newly placed nanodiamond-modified glass ionomers 

      Mulder, Riaan; Mohamed, Nadia; Frazenburg, Madelaine (Quintessence Publishing, 2020)
      Three commercial restorative glass-ionomer cements (GICs) were modified with 5% and 10 wt/wt% nanodiamond (ND) particles incorporated into the powder of the GICs. The aim of the study was to assess the percentage of ...
    • Neutral zone or conventional mandibular complete dentures: a randomised crossover trial comparing oral health-related quality of life 

      Greta, Geerts (Wiley, 2017)
      There is widespread consensus that the neutral zone (NZ) concept contributes to improved stability for mandibular complete dentures (CDs). However, little is known about its impact on oral health-related quality of life ...
    • A Novel Dental Implant Design Concept: Radiological Bone Level Presentation of the CoAxis Dental Implant after 1 Year, And 4 Years of Prosthodontic Loading 

      Botha, Paul (, 2017)
      Implant supported rehabilitations are routinely successful and provide patients with comfort and function levels which may surpass that of conventional treatment options. Patient-reported outcomes have revealed that ...
    • Occlusal outcome of orthodontic treatment for patients with complete cleft lip and palate 

      Bellardie, Haydn (Sage Journal, 2021)
      Aim: To assess occlusal outcomes of orthodontic treatment for patients with complete cleft lip and palate. Design: Retrospective assessment using the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index. Setting: Consecutive patients ...