Browsing Social Work by Title
Now showing items 177-184 of 184
Waste characterisation in Stellenbosch Local Municipality, South Africa
(Academy of Science of South Africa, 2022)This article demonstrates how household solid waste (HSW) generation patterns differ in neighbourhoods of the same town by determining the composition of the residual portion of the HSW stream in 2017 in Stellenbosch. HSW ... -
We need support: the experiences of family members caring for a relative diagnosed with schizophrenia
(University of Stellenbosch, 2024)Family members living with and caring for a relative diagnosed with schizophrenia may experience severe challenges that can result in secondary stress and influence various life domains. This article is based on a study ... -
We should not have to choose between hunger and death’: exploring the experiences of primary caregivers of recipients of a South African child cash transfer programme during COVID-19 lockdown in Cape Town, South Africa
(Policy Press, 2023)Background: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa and across the globe posed special challenges and implications for low-income families with children. In this study we explored the experiences of primary ... -
What happens during those long hours next to the road? An exploratory study of three informal day labour hiring sites in Tshwane
(University of Stellenbosch, 2012)The purpose of the study was to describe the nature of socio-economic activities taking place at hiring sites in Tshwane. The research approach and methodology of this study were exploratory, descriptive and qualitative. ... -
The work and lives of street waste pickers in Pretoria - a case study of recycling in South Africa's urban informal economy
(Springer, 2011)High levels of unemployment are a permanent feature in the urban areas of many developing countries. South Africa is no exception in this regard. Poverty and hardship caused by unemployment force many participants in the ... -
Working conditions of social workers in rural areas in South Africa
(Unisa Press, 2004)This article presents the results of one of the aspects of an exploratory study that was conducted by the author with rural social workers. The working conditions of 45 social workers are described. -
Young South African adults perceptions of parent psychological control and antisocial behaviour
(Society for Personality Research (Inc.), 2012)We extended prior research by investigating perceptions of parental psychological control as a contributor to young adults’ antisocial behavior in a sample of 382 South African university students aged between 18 and 25 ... -
Youths in gangs on the Cape Flats: If not gangs, then what?
(Stellenbosch University, 2021-03)Gangs are social groups within geographical territories that use symbols, verbal and non-verbal communication to express their belonging to the group, and resort to crime to exercise power and control over the territory ...