Now showing items 183-184 of 184

    • Young South African adults perceptions of parent psychological control and antisocial behaviour 

      Roman, Nicolette V.; Human, Anja; Hiss, Donavon (Society for Personality Research (Inc.), 2012)
      We extended prior research by investigating perceptions of parental psychological control as a contributor to young adults’ antisocial behavior in a sample of 382 South African university students aged between 18 and 25 ...
    • Youths in gangs on the Cape Flats: If not gangs, then what? 

      van der Westhuizen, Marichen; Gawulayo, Sibulelo (Stellenbosch University, 2021-03)
      Gangs are social groups within geographical territories that use symbols, verbal and non-verbal communication to express their belonging to the group, and resort to crime to exercise power and control over the territory ...