2-Arylnaphthoquinone analogues: Potential anti-TB and pro-apoptotic agents
A useful library of substituted 2-arylnaphthoquinones prepared by reaction between the
corresponding bromonaphthoquinones and arylboronic acids via Suzuki-Miyaura protocols has
been established. Conversion of some of the products into new analogues was effected. The bisnaphthoquinone disospyrin 1 comprises two 7-methyljuglone units linked between C2
and C6.
1,2 Antimycobacterial activity studies performed on diospyrin 1 alerted the scientific
community to the potential importance of this natural product3 which was soon followed by its
first published synthesis by Yoshida and Mori in the same year.4 Subsequent studies, which
included the synthesis and evaluation of related analogues of diospyrin 1 demonstrated the
potential of this basic scaffold to be considered as an integral aspect for good antimycrobacterial