A critical review of practices of inclusion and exclusion in the psychology curriculum in higher education
Much of South African psychology has pursued the national
imperative of critical engagement and reconstruction
since 1994, in spite of collusion with Apartheid ideologies
before 1994. Critical psychologists who mobilised against
apartheid were also active post-1994 in reshaping the
discipline and profession. Many of these efforts were
directed towards curriculum development to attempt
to challenge the dominance of western and northern
scholarship in psychology by developing multiple texts
that represented local experiences and challenged
traditional asocial and ahistorical thinking in psychology.
This paper presents critical thoughts on contemporary
psychology in higher education, with a particular focus
on progress made in curriculum transformation and
demographic representativity, to interrogate the extent
to which the profession continues to reproduce existing
patterns of privilege and inclusion/exclusion. We suggest
that considering curriculum as discourse which acts to
reproduce larger power relations in society, may be a useful
approach to think about inclusion and transformation of
the curriculum in psychology.