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Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: A resource book(legacy)19289
Socio-cultural factors influencing food consumption patterns in the black African population in an urban township in South Africa(legacy)8517
The constitutional family in the Law of Succession(legacy)5564
South Africa's space programme - Past, present, future(legacy)4920
A guide to the rights of inmates as described in the Correctional Services Act and regulations(legacy)4839
Public libraries in South Africa: Agents or victims of educational change?(legacy)4395
The perception of the professional self of social workers in private practice(legacy)4240
The political-administrative interface in South African municipalities assessing the quality of local democracies(legacy)4172
A knowledge assessment questionnaire relating to risk factors for chronic diseases of lifestyle(legacy)3977
Introducing physical education into schools: The view of teachers and learners(legacy)3947